Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23, 2009

There is bad news and good news....the last thing Vann has to do before they send him home is pass a car seat test. Well, he failed. He had too many desaturations with his oxygen. So, it looks like they will try and put him back on a nasal canula and try again. If he passes then they will send him home on the oxygen until his pediatrician feels he doesn't need it anymore. The little guy is trying so hard to come home, but all these dang tests are getting in the way! Well, hopefully by the end of the week we can all 3 be home and in our pj's!


Henry's Mommy said...

Good grief, what a goof ball! I bet he can't wait to get home to give Ally a run for her money on the most entertaining child in the house! We love him! Hope you get good news on going home soon!

Unknown said...

What a handsome little guy you have there ( and I mean Vann) and what a time he has had. Just looking at him you would not think so. he is a fighter just like his mommy and daddy. He is sooo cute. Can't wait till you both can bring him in to show him off. My prayers and thought are still with you. Can't wait for this joyous moment when you can take him home to his own bed. I bet you both won't be able to sleep that first night and then maybe you will becasue you will all be in you own bed. God bleas to you all -- Love Chris Smith