Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 15, 3009

WOW! We can't believe it is already the middle of March. Actually, I think we are so excited that it is the middle of March. We are getting closer to bringing Vann home. Both Jeff and I are on our last leg of energy...pretty tired from the last 3 months. We are looking forward to getting Vann home so we can all relax. The doctors told us this past week to plan on him coming home close to his due date, which is March 26th. Jeff and I will have to spend 2 nights in the hospital before we take him home, so we will have a couple of days notice. YEAH!!! The little man is 6 lbs. 2 oz. He got his stitches out yesterday on his head and that is healing very nice. We thought you would enjoy seeing this photo of the card they made when Vann was first are able to see how tiny his prints are.

1 comment:

Henry's Mommy said...

Loving the bronco moblie! How cool they let you bring that in! Can't believe how big the man is -- you have been feeding him good mama! Only a few more hoops to jump through then he will be all yours, 24/7! Yea!