Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20, 2011

It was finally a nice day to head to the zoo. It has been awhile since we have taken Vann. He LOVED the zoo and all of the animals. It was such a great time. He can't wait to go back!

Vann was so exited, he saw a baby jaguar a.k.a Snow Leopard 

 What a ham!

 Having so much fun with dad

 Family shot in front of the elephant

 Flexing his muscles for the meerkats

 He's got his eye on the tiger

 Feeding the goats

Vann and the penguins 

Vann, the Explorer

1 comment:

dxeechick said...

I've been following your blog since Vann was born and its been awesome to see him grow and become such a handsome little man. I have a lot of respect for you & Jeff's parenting skills, especially after having a scare of our own.

What a sweet little guy!