Saturday, October 17, 2009

October 17, 2009

Vann went in on Thursday for his CT scan and appointment with Dr. Cherny (Neurosurgeon). His stint has been pushed out of his aqueduct canal and is sitting to the side of it not blocking it, which is great news. So far everything looks great. With that in mind, it is still a waiting game to see what is going to happen. There are 3 things that can happen:

1. THIS IS WHAT WE WANT...His aqueduct canal will stay open, the cerebral fluid with continue to flow and there will not be any issues. If this is the case then in a couple of years we can get everything taken out.

2. His aqueduct canal will close not allowing the cerebral fluid to flow and cause it to build up. At this point, Dr. Cherny may be able to insert another stint and/or tap fluid and see if the canal will open.

3. WORST CASE, WE DON'T WANT THIS...His aqueduct canal will stay open and his body will not absorb the cerebral fluid causing him to develop hydrocephalus. If this happens then Dr. Cherny will have to give Vann a shunt.

So, we are thinking positive thoughts as everything has been looking great. Dr. Cherny is extremely pleased with Vann's progress and amazed at how well he is developing. He is just like a normal baby.

We will keep you posted. We don't have to follow up for another 3 months. We know that Vann is going to be just fine and continue to grow and be an amazing little guy:)

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