Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17, 2009

Vann has his first little cold. Poor guy, he is pretty snuffed up:( He had physical therapy today and weighed in at 14 lbs. Can you believe it??? He is a healthy chubby baby!
We went and saw the Neurosurgeon last Tuesday...everything looks the same, so we have to go back in October which is when they will do the CT scan and we will know more about the stint placement then. We just have to wait and see...that's the hardest part!


Henry's Mommy said...

He looks pretty darn happy for having his first little cold! My pearls of wisdom: humidifier in the room, Vick's baby rub, tylenol before bed, lots of snuggles :) Hang in there!!!

Henry's Mommy said...

I showed Henry the new picture of Vann on the blog today and the first thing he said was, "Baby Vann is getting bigger."