Friday, April 24, 2009

April 24, 2009

Mr. Vann had quite a busy week. He had a head scan on Tuesday and then right after we met with the neurosurgeon. Unfortunately, his ventricles are increasing again...we don't want that. Jeff and I were a little frustrated by the news, but we are trying to stay positive. The good thing is, Vann is doing great clinically. He hasn't shown us any signs that his ventricles are putting pressure on his brain. We will continue to watch him closely and have another head scan on May 19th. Once again, please pray for those ventricles to cooperate with us and go down.

Today he went to the pediatrician and weighs 8lbs. 2oz....yeah!!! As you can see below, he is a little upset today because he had to get 3 shots. But some good news is, he is off the oxygen. 
We will keep him on his monitor for another week just to make sure he is doing well. When we got home I gave him a nice bath and took his stickers that hold his canula on off of his face...we don't need those anymore!
 Unfortunately, they are SUPER strong and hurt when taken off...he was quite pissed, but I gave him lots of loves afterwards and he was

1 comment:

Henry's Mommy said...

Poor little guy! At least the O2 is gone! Yea!!! One step at a time.