Happy Birthday Papi Rod! This is a picture of Vann and his Papi Rod when Vann was still in the hospital.
Vann is officially a big cousin. Charlie Bennett Maskew was born Saturday at 3:55pm, 7 lb. 9 oz. and 20.5 inches long! Vann can't wait to go meet him sometime soon. Here is Henry kissing his new brother Charlie...so precious!
Vann is so lucky to have 4 beautiful girl cousins (Elizabeth, Emily, Allison, Emma) and 4 handsome boy cousins (Ben, Nicholas, Henry, Charlie)! Vann is excited to finally meet his cousin Ben, who is coming to Boise in a couple of weeks for football camp!
Vann had lots of fun with his Grandma Neesie while she was visiting, they did a lot of walking around!
Baby Charlie got to come home on Monday from the hospital, so Vann wanted to say hi and show him some of his tricks!